Creature Corner: July 4, 2019

Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” the ARF cats talked about kittens and the new ARF dog, Chuck.
Indie: As always, the kittens are disappearing faster than a shaker of catnip in this cattery!
Zeus: Disappearing, as in adopted?
Heavenly Whiskers: Yes! Two of the original six are still looking for forever homes, and there are three more that will join us very, very soon.
Sadie: Now that’s exciting!
Heavenly Whiskers: What’s more exciting is that Chuck is on his way to Washington to be with his forever family.
Sadie: Aw, that’s some good news. He is a sweet boy.
Pepper: Back to the kittens. May a human “tag” them now?
George: Yep! Any interested human may put in an application with a deposit, and when the kitties are ready to go, they may be picked up.
Zeus: Do humans know what is included in the $75 adoption fee?
Sadie: I think they know that the fee includes the kitten’s spay or neuter, testing, and all vaccinations. Because they are too small for their spaying or neutering, ARF volunteers will make arrangements to have this done at the proper time.
Indie: What about all of their vaccinations?
Pepper: Well, if they need more, those will be arranged as well.
Heavenly Whiskers: So ARF really takes care of its kittens!
Thomas: And its cats, too. We are treated very well.
Pepper: Yes, we are, although a forever home is what we all really want.
George: Yeah, the cattery here is wonderful, but it still isn’t a forever home.
Sadie: Maybe some great humans will follow ARF volunteers home from the Fourth of July parade.
Zeus: Oh yeah! Their float this year will be awesome.
Thomas: Wish we could be at the parade.
George: No, Thomas. We are happier here!
Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122