ICC to reopen Saturday Mountain Market
Stephanie Yost
ICC board president
The Idyllwild Community Center (ICC) is reopening the Saturday Mountain Market in the parking lot of the Idyllwild Community Playground this coming Saturday, May 22. Market hours are 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
ICC has confirmed that our regular local and off-the-Hill vendors will be there, in addition to several new vendors. And, as always, the Idyllwild HELP Center will participate, offering an amazing array of gently used clothing, antiques and curios.
Only inclement weather will prevent the Saturday Mountain Market from being open on any given Saturday between May 22 and Labor Day weekend in September. ICC will post closure notices on its Facebook page by Friday before a scheduled market in the event of a planned closure.
The rental fee for a 10-by-10 booth space is $20 for individuals and businesses on non-holiday weekends and $30 on holiday weekends. Local nonprofit organizations can obtain booth space free of charge. All net proceeds collected by ICC go to support programs for visitors and residents to Idyllwild and the surrounding mountain communities.
Interested new vendors can find out more information by calling ICC at 951-659-2638.