

Scholarships for local students

Over the next few weeks, the Idyllwild Scholarship Fund board is requesting community donations to support scholarships for area 2022 high school graduates. The Idyllwild Scholarship Fund goes back to 1969 when three students were awarded “scholarships.” One was for $250, another for $100, and one student received a dictionary. In April 2021, six high…


Fire lookout volunteers sought

The Fire Lookout Volunteer Program, one of the many volunteer programs of the Southern California Mountains Foundation (SCMF), is now recruiting volunteers to staff fire lookouts for the 2022 fire season. Fire Lookouts help protect the forest, local mountain communities, as well as communities along the forest boundary from the threat of fire. Fire Lookouts…

‘Mr. Idyllwild’ remembered
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‘Mr. Idyllwild’ remembered

By David JeromeCorrespondent Idyllwilders were saddened to learn of the death Friday, Nov. 5, of Doug Austin. His over 20 years in Idyllwild have changed many lives for the better. His love for this community and his fellow humans was boundless, and his acts of generosity so numerous as to beggar written words. Recently, he…

Summer gardening classes offered at Idyllwild Community Garden

Summer gardening classes offered at Idyllwild Community Garden

By Idyllwild Community GardenContributed The Idyllwild Community Garden (ICG) has assembled noted experts in how to achieve success in growing edible gardens here in our mountain environment for a series of free classes throughout the summer. The schedule begins Saturday, July 10 with permaculture experts Tricia Pilkington and Todd Fowler sharing their many years of…


ICC to reopen Saturday Mountain Market

Stephanie YostICC board president The Idyllwild Community Center (ICC) is reopening the Saturday Mountain Market in the parking lot of the Idyllwild Community Playground this coming Saturday, May 22. Market hours are 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ICC has confirmed that our regular local and off-the-Hill vendors will be there, in addition to several new…