IHC fundraiser big success!

A “Thank You!” shoutout to all Town Crier Members and Readers who responded in our recent drive to raise money for the Idyllwild HELP Center (IHC).
Many of you donated your federal relief money — not really needed for your own COVID-19 relief — to the IHC, which used it for folk who really did need those relief funds. And many more of you took the opportunity to contribute what you felt you could to help out those in greater need.
More than $45,000 was raised. Much was due to matching funds generously provided by Red Kettle restaurateurs, Bruce Ross and Eileen Gallo-Ross.
So, the drive was a fine success, but …
Please remember: The IHC works week after week, year after year, to aid those in our community that really need help — the need is not limited to just these COVID-19 times.
You can make the IHC the recipient of your regular support by frequenting its shops and making regular contributions when you can.
Thank you all!

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