Your new or renewed Town Crier Membership comes with nice extras. A huge one is supplied through the generosity of Bruce Ross and Eileen Gallo-Ross, owners of The Red Kettle restaurant in downtown Idyllwild: Discounts on up to two meals per day for six months!
(Other businesses, please note: We’re open to your generosity in providing something extra for TC members, as well!)
New Members also receive a nice-looking “Town Crier Member” decal for the inside of their car or house window, and an ongoing thank you published monthly in our list of supporting Members (unless you prefer to remain anonymous, of course).
And your new and renewed Membership always comes with the personal satisfaction of knowing that you are keeping a real newspaper serving on our Hill.
Our continued thanks to all TC supporters — Members, Advertisers and Readers — for helping the Town Crier serve you and our Hill community.