Home Idyllwild News Reading newspapers online

Reading newspapers online


I personally read many articles from several newspapers each morning, all online on my cellphone. Reading newspapers on cellphone has several advantages: You have access to many newspapers, you don’t have to remember to bring your newspapers with you since your phone is always there, you can read them anywhere — even in the dark, you can easily share stories with others by means of text message or email, and past stories in back issues are readily available to you. Some Town Crier Members read their TCs online only.
The Town Crier offers three different formats for reading the TC online. Two formats appear identical to full Town Crier pages, just as it would look were you holding the paper newspaper in your hands, based on PDF files (portable document format). One other version is somewhat modified. We’ll be presenting the various ways to read the TC online in future articles.
Meanwhile, however you read the Town Crier, please support our advertisers in the TC’s newspaper, Idyllwild Phone Book, Visitors Guide and Visitors Map. And please tell them you saw their ads in Town Crier publications.
Thanks to you all for your support.