Businesses & organizations: The time to advertise is now

With new COVID cases dropping nationally and Hill visitors swarming us on weekends, our restaurants need to advertise their open employment positions, their hours and their fares. Inns need to advertise their accommodations, and shops need to advertise their wares.
The Town Crier offers display ads in full page, half-page, quarter-, eighth- and even sixteenth-page sizes. Sign a one-year contract and you’ll save 10%. (Nonprofit organizations always receive a 10% discount.) And we always, always, encourage our readers to patronize Town Crier advertisers.
The TC’s Membership model has indeed allowed us to survive during these difficult times, but advertising will always be the key source of income when it comes to paying our bills: payroll, printing, rent, utilities, several types of insurance, bookkeeping, design, IT costs, Xerox, postage, internet and security system fees, office supplies, gas and oil, and more.
Our Hill boasts more than two dozen restaurants, bakeries, sweet shops and fast-food businesses. Now is the time for them to advertise their available employee positions and their business hours, menus and specials for new and returning customers.
Reach Mandy Johnson at [email protected] or at the Town Crier office at 1-951-659-2145. And please also contact Mandy for Service Directory advertising, Classifieds and Legal Notices.
The Town Crier is playing an active role in our community’s recovery. Please support the TC’s advertisers and tell them you read their ad in the Town Crier. We are working toward the best for us all.

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