Business advertising is gaining
You’ve probably noticed that with the warmer weather visitors have been swarming our Hill each weekend — and Hill businesses are advertising again. Our inns get free Town Criers and other TC publications for each room, and our off-the-Hill Members often bring their Town Criers with them when they come visit. And if they left their TCs at home, off-Hill Town Crier Members get free replacement issues at the TC office next to the pharmacy.
If you have a business here — an inn, a restaurant, gift shop or other — you need to get your ads in the Town Crier newspaper along with the Idyllwild Visitors Guide, the Explore Idyllwild Map, and the Idyllwild Phone Book. You don’t want to miss out on your ads being in front of Hill visitors. And we frequently remind our readers to support Hill businesses that support the Town Crier.
So, get your business out front! Get your ads in the Town Crier and other TC publications. You’ll be boosting your business and helping keep the TC serving our Hill community at the same time.
Call the TC office at 1-951-659-2145.