Moratorium on new STRs
By JP Crumrine
At their Sept. 13 meeting, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved a revised Ordinance 927 (Regulating Short Term Rentals [STRs]) and a moratorium on new STR certificates for two areas within the county.
The new ordinance will be effective in 30 days.
Effective immediately, there will be a 45-day moratorium on new STR certificates in two areas of the county’s unincorporated area. The moratorium will apply in Idyllwild, Pine Cove, Mountain Center and the Temecula Valley Wine Country Policy Areas.
The moratorium expires Friday, Oct. 28. The Planning staff will provide a progress report to the board at its Oct. 18 meeting.
The moratorium would not prohibit the operation of STRs that have already obtained a county STR certificate.
This moratorium period will allow time for the county staff to evaluate the impacts of concentrations of STRs in local areas. These areas are the location of nearly 62% of all county STR certificates. During this period, staff will evaluate possible mitigating measures for this situation.