
Clubs: October 13, 2022

The Idyllwild Garden Club installed its board for 2023 recently. From left, Beautification are Celia Bonney and Molly Cozens (not shown), Hospitality is Bonnie Parlee, Treasurer Wendy Read, President Julie Roy, 1st Vice President Lynne Eodice, Secretary Mary Rider, 2nd Vice President Toni Berthelotte, Junior Garden is Dory Myers, Fundraising is Heidi Callahan, Communications is Stephen Sutton (not shown) and Parliamentarian Joy Allgeier (not shown).
Photo courtesy of the Idyllwild Garden Club

Idyllwild Garden Club
The Idyllwild Garden Club is having its annual Discover Mountain Gardening Event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, at the Nature Center.
A free speakers event at the Nature Center Meeting Hall begins at 10 a.m. Edith Brix will demonstrate using materials readily found in the forest to create lovely and unique decorating ideas.
At 11 a.m., Gary Parton, owner of Alpenglow Lilac Gardens, will do a video presentation on lilacs, including their history in Idyllwild. He will have free handouts and also will have a supply of the perfect fertilizer for lilacs available.
At 12:30 p.m., Bronwyn Jones will discuss the importance of the sustainability of our local plants and how to have a beautiful garden using native plants.
Club members will be at the sales table to answer gardening questions and provide information about the club. They will have fragrant daffodil bulbs (gopher resistant), native plants, mountain gardening books and more, available for purchase.
Guests are encouraged to bring a sack lunch to enjoy a picnic in the pines. The club will provide light refreshments.

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