Life Tribute: Wave Wilson


Wave Wilson died in the comfort of her home after a 16-year battle with cancer in Key Largo, Florida, Monday July 24, 2023 at age 84. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Misty and Rick, and her granddaughter, Lauren.

Wave was born Oct. 9, 1938, in Hollywood, California, to Lawrence B. Wilson and Wave L. Wilson née Andrews. She was an avid pianist like her mother and would often play for her church’s services throughout her life. 

The three of them would go to the islands of Hawaii whenever they could and it became a very significant place for all of them. It sparked her interest in learning about the culture of the islands and inspired her to go to university there in the summers of her higher education years. 

She became an elementary teacher for over 40 years with 27 of those years served at Hamilton Elementary School in Anza. She also ultimately achieved her goal in getting her master’s degree in education.

Her surviving family is comforted and at peace knowing she is finally pain free and reunited with her beloved parents.

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