Vote centers opened last weekend

Riverside County voters will be able to cast their ballot for the 2024 Presidential Primary Election at one of 17 vote centers in Riverside County that opened Saturday, Feb. 24. Another 131 vote centers will open Saturday, March 2.

At any of these voter centers, residents may vote in-person or return their completed vote-by-mail ballot. Voters are not assigned to a specific location and may cast their ballot at any available vote center.

A list of vote centers is found at

Eligible residents may also register to vote, update their registration or change their political party at a vote center.

Also, any registered voter may opt to mark a paper ballot or use a touch screen, which is an accessible voting unit available at all vote centers. The voter then casts their ballot into the ballot box or scans their ballot into a ballot scanner.

For voters who wish to return their vote-by-mail ballots at a drop box location, the Registrar of Voters has 106 official ballot drop-off locations throughout the county. Drop boxes have been available since Feb. 5 and will remain so through 8 p.m. on Election Day.

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