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Idyllwild Town Crier


Vote centers opened last weekend

Riverside County voters will be able to cast their ballot for the 2024 Presidential Primary Election at one of 17 vote centers...

PHOTOS: Idyllwild Arts’ Black History Month Concert

PHOTOS COURTESY OF IAA Idyllwild’s own Casey Abrams on the stand-up bass during the Idyllwild Arts’ Black...

Readers Write

Merger talks must be legal Dear editor: Regarding an article in last week’s Town crier, it...

California State Parks releases strategic plan

The California Department of Parks and Recreation (State Parks) has developed a five-year strategic plan to help shape the future direction of...

Creature Corner

By Janice MuraskoLast week in Days of Our Nine Lives, the ARF cats celebrated the adoption of all four puppies.

Past Tense

75 years ago - 1949 The U.S. Forest Service reported that 90 inches of snow had fallen in Idyllwild...

Tesla ordered to pay $1 million-plus for waste

Riverside County District Attorney (DA) Mike Hestrin, along with 24 other DAs throughout California, announced that Feb. 1, a judge in San...

Voter Registration Deadline Approaching for the March 5, 2024 Presidential Primary...

Riverside– Tuesday, February 20, 2024, serves as the final day for residents to register to vote for the upcoming March 5, 2024,...

Traffic around town

Between folk parking over the white line and walking across the highway, it was a dicey situation on Highway 243 this...

Bridge may be finished in August

By Joel FeingoldPhotographer According to one of the workers, the timeframe for completion of the new bridge at Strawberry...