Author: Michael Esnard

Fire and Forest: A great meeting; a note on hardening …

We at the Fire Safe Council were very happy with the Town Hall meeting last week. The turnout was great and the room was packed. Best of all was the intelligent and focused discussion between the fire chiefs who comprised the panel and residents who attended. The questions and comments were smart, and the chiefs…

Fire and Forest: Need public on GSOB …

We had a wonderful Goldspotted oak borer  kick-off lunch this past Friday. The Fire Safe Council, with fantastic (and delicious) help from the Pine Cove Water District, sponsored a beautiful outdoor lunch behind the Mountain Resource Center to thank the volunteers who search the community for trees the Goldspotted oak borer infects.  In addition to…

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Fire and Forest: Weather obstructs; town hall meeting coming …

We had really bad luck in scheduling our Fire Prevention Muster, which just happened to fall on the only day in months with cold and wet weather. The bad weather forecasts for Saturday, April 26, were pretty firm by Wednesday, April 23, but Executive Director Edwina Scott’s final check was with U.S. Forest Service Division…

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Fire and Forest: Fire muster April 26, climate changing daily …

 On Saturday, April 26, the public is invited to a festive and informative gathering in Idyllwild of people connected to fire prevention and firefighting. At no admission charge, we hope everyone will come and enjoy the activities. The Fire Safety Muster is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Idyllwild Community Center site in…

Fire and Forest: Feds move to fix funding but homeowners still key …

“Facts are stubborn things,” as John Adams said, and a very stubborn thing over the last two decades has been how much we have spent on putting out forest fires. Not surprisingly, wildfire protection costs have risen substantially. A recent paper from Headwaters Economics puts the federal annual-average fire suppression cost during the 1990s at…

Fire and Forest: Roof replacement going well …

Roof replacement going well … News about the Mountain Community’s Fire Safe Council’s reroofing program has appeared in this column before, but now that it is in full swing I think it’s worth going over in more detail. What with the Affordable Care Act web site working so poorly, I thought it a good time…

Fire and Forest: Hardening homes as a solution …

Wildfire is getting some prominent and fresh attention in major newspapers. Both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times have published thoughtful articles this summer examining the larger issues involved. (They are catching up to this newspaper, which has had great reporting on fire for as long as I can remember.) It seems…