Life in Idyllwild

A visit to our local hardware stores with fire safety and power outages in mind

Fire season never ends here. Outdoor abatement and indoor safety are year-round duties. Public Safety Power Shutoffs add another type of emergency to prepare for. Both local hardware stores, Village Hardware and Forest Lumber, are well stocked with the essentials. They have plenty of fire extinguishers, and smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors. Both also…

Know your fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are an important type of safety equipment that should be in every home and are required in most businesses. They do not last forever and must be regularly inspected, maintained, or replaced. Some extinguishers, especially the least expensive ones, are disposable. Others are refillable. Maintenance and repair should only be done by trained…

Easter Bunny to visit Idyllwild

Easter Bunny to visit Idyllwild

Idyllwild Community Center and Riverside County Parks will co-host theannual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 30, at the Idyllwild RegionalPark, 54000 Riverside County Playground Rd.  Although it’s spring, weather is always uncertain. The Easter Bunny hasassured event planners that he is hippity-hoppity ready to greetchildren and families for photos and hugs, and lots of candy-…

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ICC turns Halloween Carnival into Halloween ‘Car’nival and contests

By Stephanie YostIdyllwild Community Center Board President The Idyllwild Community Center (ICC) will bring Halloween festivities to Hill residents, despite COVID-19 restrictions that limit large in-person gatherings. Although ICC cannot host its traditional Halloween Carnival in the center of town, it will hold a drive-thru Halloween ‘Car’nival in the parking lot of the Idyllwild Community…

Stephanie Yost wins EMax award
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Stephanie Yost wins EMax award

This year’s Ernie Maxwell Community Spirit Award goes to Stephanie Yost. “I am humbled and honored by this community recognition,” said Yost. “As president of the Idyllwild Community Center, there is much we’ve been able to accomplish, but many more important projects and programs still lie ahead. Since coming to Idyllwild 33 years ago, I’ve…

Idyllwild Arts adapts, brings arts education to all ages
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Idyllwild Arts adapts, brings arts education to all ages

Idyllwild Arts Academy (IAA) has been bringing arts education to talented high school students for decades. The Idyllwild Arts Summer Program has been bringing amazing arts courses ranging from young children to adults for even longer. With the changing times, IAA had to adapt. Idyllwild Arts Summer Program for 2020 moved some of their classes…