Bobbie Rants

By Bobbie Glasheen From our back porch I shout into the pines and the bare, black branches of the oaks. “Give that back, doggone! That...

Bobbie Rants

By Bobbie Glasheen From our lovely porch on Cedar Street, I can sit forever and watch the birds change color and fall from the trees....

Bobbie Rants

Today I stood at the foot of the driveway and looked at my home. I admired it, turned my head a bit and admired...

Bobbie Rants

I read recently that death is the number 1 killer in the world. Interesting, that. Then why must I listen to endless harangues pointing to...

Bobbie Rants: Love/hate

By Bobbie Glasheen Believe it or not, I do have a good friend in Idyllwild. Occasionally, we engage in violent struggles of will. Then we...

Bobbie Rants: January 12, 2017

Gen turned to Madge over lunch and said, “Madge, you look beautiful. I love the color of your hair.” Madge, in fact, looked dreadful....

Bobbie Rants: November 17, 2016

I don’t rightly know what this has to do with anything. But for me it has to do with everything. He dragged his grip up...

Bobbie Rants: October 13, 2016

By Bobbie Glasheen Today’s mail lies scattered on the table before me. No, I do not want to contribute to the Annual Fund to Save...

Bobbie Rants

By Bobbie Glasheen I find myself in a difficult relationship and need to call Saul about beginning divorce proceedings. It’s my vacuum cleaner. We suffer...

Bobbie Rants

By Bobbie Glasheen I would like a challenge match with, let me see ... Jack Nicholson. Hulk Hogan. I’ll bet my bad moods can beat...