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Ramblings From Roscoe

Ramblings From Roscoe: It’s Fire Prevention Week! …

This year’s theme is “Have 2 Ways Out.” This is to emphasize that you need to have two ways to get out of a fire, particularly a house fire — but it is of no use if you do not practice. You should also know your ways out at your workplace or any place that you might visit, such as a hotel, the mall, etc.

Ramblings From Roscoe: Fall fireplace and heating safety …

Fall is upon us and with it comes shorter days and colder weather. It is also time for a few reminders about fireplace and heating safety. Now is also the time many of you are firing up those stoves, heaters and fireplaces to fend off the cooler nights. But before you do, make sure that everything is clean and working properly.

Ramblings From Roscoe: Kids and school, part 2 …

Time to get the kids up and off to school! Is it a joy, a chore or somewhere in-between? Did your child get enough sleep last night? Are they getting enough sleep regularly? Sleep is very important to development and not enough sleep can lead to problems down the line.

Ramblings from Roscoe: Kids and school, part 1 …

First, I want to thank everyone for being so welcoming to my master and I. What a great community and dog-friendly too! The cats are not too happy about it, but hey, they are cats. Are they ever happy about anything?