Savage’s “Legacy” released

Highway 74 from Palm Desert and Highway 371 is no longer restricted access. The highway is open to anyone. Caltrans Public Information Officer Shane Massoud said this week that Highway 243 north of Idyllwild is expected to open in five to six weeks. No estimate was given on Highway 74 from Mountain Center to Hemet….
Idyllwild CinemaFest 2013 Chairman Phil Calderone announced festival selections on Dec. 17. A record 98 films — 22 features, 24 featurettes (lengths from 16 to 39 minutes), 29 shorts (up to 15 minutes), 17 documentary features, four documentary shorts (from 2 to 29 minutes) and two web series, including ICF 2013 Featured Filmmaker Ignatius Fischer’s “Freelancers” — will screen in four venues.
David JeromeCorrespondent Donal Brophy and Emrhys Cooper are both actors, writers and directors, who in the last year have moved to Idyllwild and produced an award-winning comedy, “The Shuroo Process.” The two principals of Idyllwild Pictures both have credits and resumes too extensive for this brief bit, as do all the members of the production…
Soroptimist International of Idyllwild presents the third-annual Hilltop Comedy Night on Friday, June 14. Middle Ridge Winery Tasting Gallery will host the pre-party starting at 7 p.m. and the show goes on at 9 p.m. at the Rustic Theatre. “We’ve got a great lineup this year,” Soroptimist President Shelly McKay said. “We’re especially excited that…
Idyllwild Community Fund (ICF) announces the return of Idyllwild Youth Grantmakers at Idyllwild School for fall 2023. The service club, which nurtures community awareness and leadership among Idyllwild’s seventh and eighth grade students, will resume this week following a three-year disruption due to COVID. ICF co-sponsors Youth Grantmakers in affiliation with Inland Empire Community Foundation…