Idyllwild Chamber welcomes new Creek House owners

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced the award of $253.6 million of grants for support of more than 800 local homeless housing and service programs in California. Riverside County received $7.1 million for local programs such as ABC Recovery Transitional Housing, Martha’s Village and Kitchen Transitional Housing, Shelter Plus Care Consolidated All…
A quarter-acre brush fire started early Saturday evening near Lake Hemet. In less than two hours after it was reported at 7:08 p.m., the fire was controlled, according to Tawny Cabral, public safety information specialist for Cal Fire and the Riverside County Fire Department. No U.S. Forest Service engines were needed to control this blaze.
During its Jan. 28 meeting, the Idyllwild Fire Commission unanimously authorized Fire Chief Patrick Reitz to hire an outside investigator to look into a personnel matter. When asked if the investigator would look into a departmental policy or specific issue, or how many individuals are involved, Reitz had no response. In making the request to…
Pamela Jordan, Head of School at the Chicago Academy for the Arts will become the next President of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation. Jordan will begin at Idyllwild Arts in July 2014. “I am thrilled that Pamela has accepted the position of President. IAF is a marvelous institution with a legacy of commitment to creativity and…
Dnner at Town Hall on Saturday, Nov. 5 was to introduce the Forest Service Volunteer Association new board and celebrate the contribution of more than 6,000 hours of service in fiscal year 2011 (which ended Sept. 30, 2011).
Mark DeAntonio, 53, of Pine Cove, who was charged in June with negligently discharging a firearm, has had several hearings in January regarding his attorney’s request for a mental health diversion. Penal code sections 1001.35 and 1001.36 authorize this review, according to the public defender’s request. Two hearings were held in January and a third…