Opinion: Good Halloween memories
Being new to the Hill, I must say, the Great Pumpkin Parade and Carnival in Idyllwild was a very pleasant experience, with beautiful weather a plus. I was amazed at the ingenuity of the costumes, everything from a blooming baby sitting in a garden, to a blue lady avatar, a Transformer beyond imagination, a Pillsbury Doughboy, zombies, ghosts, ghouls, pumpkins, princesses, fairies and every variety of witch imaginable.
Observing the excitement and thrill of the evening, I was transported back to my childhood where Halloween was celebrated in much the same manner on Halloween Eve. Trick-or-treating was for Halloween night. Store-bought costumes were out of the question, which left us to depend on good ole’ mom or our vivid imagination. Most of the time, winter had arrived and we wore coats and gloves under our homemade creations, further disguising us as plump, overstuffed beggars with runny noses and rosy cheeks.
Pillowcases or paper grocery bags were the name of the game for our loot. Most of the time, they were packed full with regular size candy bars, bubble gum, apples, popcorn balls, candy corn, and the occasional coins, which of course, were used to buy even more candy!
Although our parents rationed our bounty, we still managed to hide a few goodies in our clothing, absolutely certain mom and dad didn’t know. I’m sure they and our teachers appreciated having to peel us off the walls the next day.
Walking past the carnival booths, the cake walk and best costume contest brought back pleasant memories once again of my childhood Halloween activities and left me with a smile and “warm fuzzies.” As I watched the Canine Costume Contest, I simply fell in love with all the participants, making them all winners in my estimation.
Later, my husband and I decided to visit Idyllwild Pizza and were amazed at the well mannered children of all ages in such a busy, packed and noisy environment — no screaming, fussing, crying or running around. Truly unbelievable!
Once again, I was reminded of the generosity and kindness of our community, who opened their hearts and doors, greeting ghosts, ghouls and goblins with a welcoming smile and endless treats.
I have to admit, observing everyone having an honestly good time, I found myself smiling so much, my cheeks literally hurt!
So, thank you Idyllwild, for a wonderful evening and a magical journey down memory lane.
Edie Hoberg
Mountain Center