Toys needed for Christmas

Join the Firefighters of Riverside County in spreading holiday cheer in the hearts of underprivileged children through the Spark of Love Toy Drive.

For almost 20 years, CAL FIRE and the Riverside County Fire Department, in conjunction with ABC-7, and other local sponsors have collected and distributed toys with a common goal to ensure that children in need have a gift to unwrap during the holiday season.

“If you give to a local box, it almost guarantees the toys will go to local children,” said RCFD Firefighter Mark Spehar. Toys can be left at RCFD stations 23 (Pine Cove) and 53 (Garner Valley) and the Idyllwild Fire Station, who is also participating in the Toy drive. The firefighters are also working with the Idyllwild HELP Center, Spehar added.

The agency request that you donate new, unwrapped toys or sports equipment. Each and every fire station is a drop off location. All toys, sports equipment and gift cards that are donated are distributed to children in the communities in which they were donated.

Donations are accepted and greatly appreciated at your neighborhood fire stations between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. until Dec. 23. If you have additional questions or need more information please refer to their website at

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