Opinion: It’s not that bad!

Oh boy, so now we have an issue of the Town Crier that lets each of our crybabies vent at the same time. The Thanksgiving — four-day holiday [Nov. 24 issue] — brings all the tourists and second homeowners to the Hill.

We are inundated by out-of-towners. And at a time when we should “put on happy face” and welcome people escaping from “the rat race,” do we display a positive attitude?

Nope, [happy is] not [seen] by our letters to the editor. We rant and rave (i.e., complain) about the county we live in — Riverside running Town Hall — our “capitalist, profit-making, community center,” “small town corruption in electing a fire council official,” “all businessmen should take a hike,” because they “wish to exploit the property tax base for its own benefit,” and finally an attack on our electrical company (Southern California Edison) because “Smart Meters ran up your bill.”

[My advice is to] check when it started getting cold, and when your electrical heater or electrical water heater began working overtime.

People, you lead an unhappy life. Go out and talk to tourists. They’ll tell you we live in a great area. Enjoy it. Life is short.

A ruthless “businessman”
Steve Moulton

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