Opinion: Get off the sidelines

I am sick of reading letters from a couple individuals in the Idyllwild area who do nothing but complain about everyone else.

I see it from the opposite side of the fence. As we complete this Thanksgiving weekend, I can only begin to express my gratitude to everyone who worked to produce a successful Harvest Festival and Tree Lighting.

It was not only the members of the organizations that gave time and money to make these events a success, but the generous contributions of individuals such as David Roy, who donated another one of his wonderful carvings and Dore Capitani, who donated a beautiful piece of his metalwork.

In addition, the businesses in this town, that often struggle to survive, were equally generous.

These crazy guys, who write so often it seems like they have become staff writers for the Town Crier, would probably say that these contributions are self-serving. In my mind, the wonderful people in this town are just following Rotary’s motto, which is “Service Above Self.”

Perhaps these guys should give it a try. Maybe they would like to become contributing members of our community instead of just whiners sitting on the sidelines.

Dawn Miller
Rotary Club of Idyllwild
Pine Cove

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