Contract for Idyllwild Library constrution before supervisors Tuesday

The lowest responsive bidder for the Idyllwild Library Project is Hamel Contracting, Inc. of Murrieta. Of 13 contractors that submitted bids, Hamel submitted the lowest bid ($1,695,600) and also submitted required federal documentation.

The proposed exterior of the new Idyllwild Library. Design courtesy of HMC Architects.

Federal documentation was required because a Community Block Development Grant (CBDG) funded the project in whole or in part. Construction is therefore subject to applicable Federal procurement, labor, environmental, equal opportunity and other regulations. McGowan Development Corp. of Lancaster submitted a lower bid but failed to submit the federal documentation and was therefore adjudged by County Counsel to be non-compliant with bid requirements. No local contractors submitted bids.

On Tuesday, Dec. 20, the Board of Supervisors will act on this staff recommendation to accept and award the construction contract and approve the total project budget of $2.2 million.

Groundbreaking and construction are slated for January 2012, with a 180-day timeline for completion. Hamel also served as contractor for the recently dedicated Hemet Service Center (see article in this edition).

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