Lawler Fire poses little danger now

Updated 4:30 p.m.
A wildfire started around 3 a.m. in the San Jacinto Mountains. The Lawler Fire is in National Forest lands about four miles north of Idyllwild along Highway 243. As of 1 p.m., it has burnt about 14 or 15 acres and is approximately 70 percent contained, according to Kate Kramer, Forest Service Public Information Officer.
Full containment is estimated to be 6 p.m., Monday evening, Jan. 9, Kramer said.
The small community of Eagle’s Nest is currently threaten, but no structure has been burned or is currently endangered, Kramer said.
Traffic is being moved through the area with the assistance of a Cal Trans pilot car, Krammer added.
The initial attack which started in the dark early hours of Sunday, Jan. 8 expanded to 12 engines, two water tenders, five hand crews and air attack. More than 200 personnel from a variety of agencies are involved in containing the Lawler Fire.
While the fire is burning at a slow rate of spread, steep terrain and wind-driven fire spotting behavior are challenging fire fighters. “Fortunately this is an area where we’ve conducted major fuels reduction projects,” said Kramer. “It’s fairly defensible.” But strong winds were blowing in the area, which made the firefighting more difficult.
The winds have considerably lessened during the afternoon. Further notification of fire size and containment will probably occur in the morning, Kramer said.
The incident commander was Forest Service Battalion Chief Chris Fogle, who handed the mantle to colleague Chief Fred Espinoza.
Working with the Forest Service are Riverside County Fire and Idyllwild Fire Departments and Riverside County Office of Emergency Services, California Highway Patrol, Cal Trans and the Forest Service units from the Cleveland and Angeles National Forests.
The cause of the fire has not yet been determined and is under investigation.

Rumor control: Several people have attributed the Lawler Fire cause to a “controlled” burn in the area. One writer said they saw a sign near the fire area. Kramer says there are no “Controlled” or “Prescribed” burns along the road. The last Forest Service activity in this area were some pile burns on Dec. 21.
Would be nice if Town Crier (TC) actually could get on top of wildfire "Breaking News" a little quicker! I jolted out of bed at 6:40 this morning to a phone call from a friend in Hemet telling me it looks like Bee Canyon was on fire. I drove down from Pine Cove into town at 7 am and could see CDF and US Forest Service trucks heading towards Pine Cove. At cafe Aroma I logged onto the Town Crier Site with my Lap Top and not a word! Had to rely on network of friends posting on facebook and text messaging before finally narrowing the location down to Lawler Lodge region. It took TC until well after 10 a.m. to post anything. I think the TC can do a lot better than that on informing the public.
The biggest threat up here is wildfire and the level of anxiety can rise quick among people if there is misinformation. The residents of this mountain need to know quickly where the fire is and what the threat level is… not hours later!
Hope this is not considered too "outright nasty or libelous" for your high quality "news" organization!
Why would it be libelous? It's true we didn't cover it sooner. I apologize, but if I don't know about a fire, what should I do? We had no calls from Forest Service, Cal Fire or IFPD. Again I apologize, better news coverage should have been given.
Thanks, TC, for keeping us updated with such a small staff. Other reports were inaccurate.
Thanks to everyone at Towncrier for keeping us alert to situations going on around us
did the hose or lodges burn down
I think the speed with which information travels along Facebook and within other verbal nerworks of friends is always going to be fatser, while likely not as accurate, than what TC can do. It is just a sign of the electronic times we are living in (you went to cafe with your laptop). Fire is a big deal and we are all glad this one stayed manageable. I think your comments are misplaced.
Thanks for letting us know the information about the fire as soon as you received it…