Opinion: Watch out!

We all agree that Fire Chief Walker was a tremendous asset. We all know he upgraded and greatly improved our emergency preparedness.

We all agree Pete Capparelli and his commissioners over the last two years brought us to almost financial ruin. We voted President Pete out of office, they fired Chief Walker. Capparelli snuck back into office, using a clandestine vote by two commissioners. They next got rid of Fire Chief Walker.

Is this right? In this fairly affluent community, with a large senior population and an extreme high fire risk, don’t we deserve the best?

Chief Walker proved himself to be the best and made Idyllwild the best and safest community. Watch out now for radical cuts to emergency services. For two years (or more), Capparelli and his commissioners could have made slight adjustments and balanced the books. For two years (or more), Capparelli and his commissioners did nothing.

Now their ax is out. And the first to get the hatchet was a better man than they — our Fire Chief Walker.

Watch out now for radical cuts to emergency services.

Sharon Cassen
Pine Cove

Editor’s note: Capparelli’s reappointment to the commisssion was done during a public meeting.

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