
Third annual Anza Valley artists gallery show

High Country Communities of talented artists will present their work at the third “Heart of the High Country” gallery show at the Anza Community Hall, 56630 Highway 371, in Anza, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 28.

An artists’ reception with refreshments will be from noon to 2 p.m.

Twelve local artists will participate in the show: Rika Anctil, Phyllis Brown, Paola Canaday, Angel Garcia, Rosie Grindle, Margie Kohler, Laura Manseau, Mary Marlin, Michele McMillan, Sue Smith, Nancy Swanson and Leslie Wagner.

Carol Ravy is this year’s guest artist. This award winning artist holds a bachelor of art degree in fine art. Her teaching career is extensive including, 13 years at Palomar Community College. She has demonstrated at the San Diego County Fair for 16 years and continues to offer art classes in watercolor and mixed media.
The variety of media at the show will include: water color, acrylic, oil, pastel, pen & ink, photography, ceramics, gourds, and mixed media.
The highlight of the gallery show will be a raffle of pieces of art. Ticket buyers will choose which piece, or pieces of art they would like to take a chance on winning. All proceeds from the raffle will be donated to the Anza community.

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