Time and chronology
This weekend the Idyllwild Arts Academy Theatre Department presents playwright J.B. Priestley’s “Time and the Conways.”
Director Rendon Ramsey states, “J.B. Priestley’s prophetic 1937 work, ‘Time and the Conway’s,’ asks, ‘Is it possible that time exists all at once — past, present, and future — happening simultaneously?’ If so, could we, with greater understanding, ‘see around the corner’ of time?”
“Time and the Conways” focuses on a family of six siblings, their spouses and mother immediately after the end of World War I. Priestly reveals the family and its interactions, while questioning whether time is linear.
The cast includes Jessie Segal-Charles, Zen Ocean, Gemini Anderson, Emily Brittain, Daniel Taylor, Sasha Mercuri, Celeste Olivia, Rosanna Lindmarker, Kent-Harris Repass and Lewis Gunn. Understudies for the production are Jordan Hopf and Kamren Fuartado.
The production is stage managed by senior Dylan Arnold who is assisted by freshman Zoe Crawford. Meghan O’Neil serves as dramaturge for the production.
Director Rendon holds a master’s in fine art degree in acting from the California Institute of the Arts, an associate’s in acting from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and a bachelor’s in speech communication from the University of Washington. Rendon has worked as an actor for fifteen years, appearing on both stage and screen.
The production is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 20, and Saturday, April 21, and at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 22.
The performances are free, open to the public and held in the Idyllwild Arts FoundationTheatre, on the Idyllwild Arts campus, 52500 Temecula Rd., in Idyllwild.