Idyllwild School garners state honor
Idyllwild School was again selected as a Title I Academic Achievement recipient. Idyllwild had been previously honored for the academic year 2007-08.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson made the announcement last week.
Both Hemet Unified School District President Bill Sanborn and Idyllwild School Principal Matt Kraemer had similar reactions to the designation. They both attributed it to the students’ dedication, the parents’ involvement and the teachers’ efforts.
“It shows the quality of the staff and the quality of the kids and the community,” Sanborn said. “Teamwork” was Kraemer’s description.
Idyllwild was one of 117 public schools honored in the state and the only HUSD school.
To meet the criteria for this distinction, the school must demonstrate that all students are making significant progress toward proficiency on California’s academic content standards. Additionally, the school’s socio-economically disadvantaged students must have doubled the achievement targets set for them for two consecutive years.
The Title I Academic Achievement Award is given only to schools receiving federal Title I funds as authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Title I is the single largest federal educational program for K-12 public education. Title I funds assist schools in meeting the educational needs of students living at or below the poverty line. Of the more than 9,000 schools in California, more than 6,000 of them participate in the Title I program.
In 2008, Idyllwild was designated for the second time as a California Distinguished School.