I’m sure many of you haven’t had a chance (or desire?) to read the fine print of the proposed Southern California Edison rate changes, which are described in inserts with your recent bill.
SCE is proposing residential rates to go up 2 percent. What you don’t see in their chart is that their application also proposes a lower baseline allowance.
I don’t know about your usage, but our family of three rarely uses only the baseline allowance because of space heaters.
The proposal means the kilowatts that no longer are considered baseline, will be billed at 15 cents (tier 3) instead of 4-cent baseline rate. I already use the tier 2 amount allotted. That is far more than a 2-percent increase.
This month my usage was the exact amount I used last year. My bill is $2 higher.
For my home, the smart meter didn’t raise my usage, the rates raised my bill. There will be a public hearing on the proposed rate changes May 15 in Palm Springs, if anyone wants to make the trip down. Otherwise, mail in your written comments to the CPUC on the insert.
Merrie VonSeggern