Opinion: Diane Olsen

I feel compelled to write for the opportunity to read about Diane Olsen in your June 28 issue. Rather than call it an obituary, I would describe Kristina Olsen’s piece as an appreciation of her mother’s life, and it simply radiated humor, insight and compassion.

Although I was not privileged to know Diane, she was obviously a person who put her talents and energy to good use in this world, and inspired others to do the same.

How fortunate are Idyllwild and her circle of friends, to have had the benefit of her mind and spirit.

She and her family designed the end of her life in a way that allowed her to “fly” away from discomfort and dependence according to their principles, which shows rare understanding, love and respect.

Kristina’s story celebrates the specific and essential qualities of her mother (and, amusingly, her mother’s mother — the distaff line is superior stock indeed) with a lovely prose style. The passage about Beethoven was impossibly moving, and it gives me even more reason to admire those who act with integrity.

I send condolences to Diane’s family, and will honor her special passions in the future, with regard to the Nature Center and ARF of Idyllwild.

Lois Sheppard
Seal Beach and Idyllwild

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