Ms. Taylor’s self-proclaimed inexperienced observation as a “first-time visitor to Idyllwild” is both irresponsibile and incorrect.
[See letter in the July 5 issue of the Town Crier.]
The leash law is for the benefit of everyone, not just for those who choose to obey it. Idyllwild is not anyone’s personal playground, nor is it the lawless wild west.
Visiting a wilderness area comes with certain responsibilities as does choosing to become a pet owner. If one should need instruction in either area, there are those that can help. The U.S. Forest Service would be able to help in the first instance, the good people at Idyllwild’s Animal Rescue Friends can help with the second.
ARF is who to call if a pet is lost or found. They know the benefits of the leash law.
Again, this is the wilderness, all the time. Whether you are on vacation or not.
Unfortunately, pets that go missing here easily become lost among the strange smells and sounds of the forest, never to be seen again. There are packs of hungry coyotes out there, mountain lions too. Why take the chance?
Would you want such a fate for your pet? Wouldn’t you rather keep your dog on a leash? It is the law.
Karin Sinclair
Pine Cove