Long legs at Nature Center
![jr bugs](https://idyllwildtowncrier.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/jr-bugs.jpg)
Discover Idyllwild’s botanical wonderlands, a treasure of delightful gardens normally hidden from view. They are all yours during this year’s Idyllwild Mountain Garden Tour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 22. On this self-guided tour, learn how mountain gardeners planted attractive native plants with popular garden varieties for year-round flowering and gorgeous foliage….
Don’t expect “Murdering the Mom,” Duff Brenna’s latest work, to be a criminal confession of matricide, although a browser at one of his book signings asked Brenna’s publisher if it was a death row confession. Quite the opposite. Nearly 15 years after his mother’s death, Brenna is writing his paean to her. The title derives…
By Metro Editorial Service Art enriches lives and can be used to connect people from all walks of life. Among the many additional benefits of art is its effects on young people and the development of their brains. The American Association of School Administrators (AASA) notes that neuroscience research has shown that the effects of…
Ignatius Fischer, one of two Idyllwild CinemaFest 2012 honorees, had one of those off the charts serendipitous launches into the filmmaking business. Like Quentin Tarantino who worked as a clerk in a Manhattan Beach video rental prior to breaking into the business of movie making, Fischer also worked in a South Bay store when he…
His talk is called, “What’s New? The Latest, Greatest, Up-to Date-est in Contemporary Classical Music” …
Revelers brave snow for a little Irish cheer …