Home Opinion Initial Thoughts Initial Thoughts: Smith again gains national attention …

Initial Thoughts: Smith again gains national attention …

Marshall Smith

Congratulations for Marshall. His perceptive and fluid writing has garnered him another honor.


Last week, the National Newspaper Association announced the winners of its 2012 Better Newspaper Contest.

Honorable mention for the best Health Story was awarded to Marshall, a Town Crier reporter since 2005, for his Nov. 3, 2011, story, “Prostate cancer survivors favor the PSA test.”

Smith met with the group of local prostate cancer survivors, who meet regularly in a support group. He sought their reaction to a national panel of experts’ recommendation opposing the broad use of the prostate specific antigen, PSA test, for cancer. Collectively, they were incredulous about the panel’s recommendation.

Interestingly, another study, from Europe, was published this week. It contradicts the U.S. panel’s recommendation and found that the PSA detection has reduced deaths attributable to prostate cancer.

“Good story idea, talking to group of local prostate cancer survivors about taskforce recommendation against PSA testing,” said the NNA judges about his story.

Smith has been collecting national and statewide honors for his writing since 2006.