Initial Thoughts

Initial thoughts: Freedom to disagree …

The May 28 Idyllwild Fire Commission meeting was frightening. Instead of addressing the district’s financial condition, the commission, employees and audience spent hours castigating Commissioner Chip Schelly for his May 23 letter to the editor. All of the speakers were appalled at Schelly’s comments because they inferred he was speaking for the board. But he…

Initial Thoughts: Happy endings not on horizon of local dramas …

When you read this column, Idyllwild Fire’s May 14 meeting will already have occurred. Nevertheless, one of the agenda items merits some discussion and next week, I’ll report on the action at the meeting. In the previous episode of this soap opera, we left IFPD with the discovery of a missing $100,000. They were planning…

Initial Thoughts: Public involvement

According to some in Washington, the Forest Service’s inability to share with the public the potential consequences of the sequestration law is the lack of an operating plan, which must first be shared and approved by an Appropriations Committee. But it is likely the initially sequestration reductions will result in 500 fewer firefighters nationwide. According…

Initial Thoughts: Sunshine week …

With the return of Daylight Saving Time, I want to highlight the value of Sunshine Week, which begins Sunday, March 10, and continues through Saturday, March 16. Sunshine Week is a national initiative to promote a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information. Participants include news media, civic groups, libraries, nonprofits,…