Past Tense: Nov. 1, 2012

Reunited last week was Bella the cat to her very worried owner. Please have your pet spayed or neutered and chipped.

Tammy, our Chihuahua mix, found her window seat for the sun and is loving her new forever home with a new playmate. Tawny, our deer head Chihuahua, is headed to the beach to be loved and cherished forever.

And Bo Jangles, our youngest kitten, was scooped up, cherished, and on his way to a new life. Paws up to your loving foster and to you, Bo.

Bo Jangles

Meow Meow is an adult male tux and as long as you have a window, you’ll have a happy cat. He is always welcome to the human touch, but content to watch the birds.


Heidi, an adult tortie, loves the comforts of life. Give her a blanket to snuggle in, and she will snooze away the day.


What a beautiful ragdoll you are Kiana. Our senior female borders on being the diva of the cattery. She loves to snuggle, but when she struts, well, you better be looking her way.



Yep, this is what it looks like when all of your babies are adopted, and you don’t have a care in the world. Finally able to relax, Mamma is a young violet Burmese-Siamese mix. She has regained her youth, and can often be seen playing with the cat toys right along with the younger crowd. She is very quiet, and content to be alone or with other felines.

And we all remember Winston as he was in the mayoral contest and has been in two 4th of July parades. Winston is friendly and loves to play with other canines, walks away from the felines, loves to walk and exercise, and of course is a lover of the treats.


ARF has many cats and dogs available for adoption or fostering. Go to and click on Petfinder. All pets are spayed, neutered, and current on shots. ARF is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sundays. Call (951) 659-1122 or email [email protected] for appointment on any other day.


Creature corner is sponsored this week by Anne and Barnaby Finch. To sponsor the column, call Shane Fender at the Town Crier, 659-2145.

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