Creature Corner

By Janice Murasko

Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” ARF cats and kittens talked about managing pet safety and stress during holidays.

Harley: Happy New Year to all!

Pepper: Thank you, Harley. It’s a new year certain to bring new adventures, right?

Harley: I have to agree, and our first new adventure is walking through the door right now.

Stitch: (entering the room with gusto) Hi everyone! I am Stitch, and I’m so happy to meet you!

Smokey: Hello, you cute little guy. So, what’s your story?

Stitch: My story is I was found, all by myself, when I was only four weeks old. Fortunately, a lovely woman scooped me up, and ARF took me in. I’ve been staying with a wonderful foster and living with two other dogs and a couple of cats. It has been fun.

Pepper: How wonderful for you. How old are you now?

Stitch: I’m around ten weeks old. My foster says I’m very intelligent, I like other dogs, and I’d love to play with cats.

Eeyore: But do the cats want to play with you?

Stitch: I’m not certain, and to be honest, I play a little rough with them. I am, after all, a puppy.

Smokey: ARF will find the perfect home for you, no doubt.

Pepper: On another note, did you hear about Carrie?

Harley: I did! She is with a wonderful family. Her new “mom” says she is adjusting very well and especially likes the little girl.

Eeyore: Slowly, one by one, we are all finding our forever homes. Stitch, I bet yours is just around the corner.

Stitch: I certainly hope so! Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of Days of our Nine Lives each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243. ARF is open Saturdays 10-3, Sundays 10-2, and during the week by appointment. Please call 951- 659-1122.

Creature Corner is seeking monthly sponsors. For those interested in sponsoring future months of Creature Corner, contact ARF at 951-659-1122 or [email protected].

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