Women’s Opportunity Awards available

Soroptimist International of Idyllwild is seeking applicants for its annual $500 grant, which is awarded to residents of Idyllwild, Mountain Center and Pine Cove.

To qualify, the applicant must have primary financial responsibility for the family and must be enrolled in a vocational or skills training program or an undergraduate degree program and must demonstrate financial need.

Women receiving the award may use the funds for any costs associated with their educational efforts, including tuition, books, child care or transportation. Winners the club level will advance to regional and federation level competitions.

To apply, the applicant must have a U.S. Social Security number, earn most of the money in the household, support at least one dependent, be enrolled in an educational program (see above), list family living expenses and annual educational expenses.

The applicant must submit descriptions of educational and career goals, reasons why the applicant should receive the award and two written references.

Women seeking to apply for this award may contact Karen Doshier (951) 452-4599. The deadline is Dec. 15.

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