Photo courtesy of Monica Dietrich
Argentina-born Monica Dietrich overheard a mother pig’s conversation with her piglets when she was eight. She thought nothing was out of the ordinary until she told others. “I thought everyone does this,” she recalled.

As a child she learned to be cautious about what she heard, saw or received in what she describes as telepathic conversations with animals. “As a little girl I did not understand what was happening. I was so ashamed of what I had, of being different. What was I supposed to do with all this information?” she asked.

Dietrich later decided this was a calling and the path she needed to pursue professionally. “I came to understand that my primary purpose was to translate [animal communication to their human companions]. It’s up to us, the ones who do understand, to let others know that there are other feeling creatures [who don’t happen to be human],” she said in an interview.

Humans have forgotten the telepathic powers they have had since before development of speech, Dietrich believes. She noted that some, even today, such as Australian aboriginals, telepathically.

Modern man, with so much visceral input and informational noise, has become desensitized to more subtle means of communication, she said, believing most children have telepathic abilities but lose them as they grow older. “As a child I had to go inward at a very young age and as a result I think I never forgot that I came into this world with this knowing,” she said.

Dietrich feels a responsibility to animals and to their human companions to help improve their communication skills with each other. “They [the animals] need some reassurance that they are being understood,” she stressed. “All they need is reassurance, no matter how wild their energy.”

Dietrich receives communications from animals in the form of visuals, either in stills or in moving pictures, like film brief trailers. Those visuals, she said, then require some interpretation, but are clear about the impressions being conveyed. It helps her to understand why the animals are repeating what their humans might view as negative behavior, such as peeing in the house.

“I’m also able to know how they are feeling physically,” she said.

In addition to her work with animals, Dietrich holds a Ph.D. in Metaphysics from the Walter Dunn Foundation in Anaheim, is a Reiki practitioner, a guided-imagery therapist and a meditation guidance practitioner.

Dietrich’s presentation is from 12:30 to 2 p.m. at the Nature Center on Highway 243. Her private consultations are already booked with all appointments taken.