Corey Sumrall (left), of Idyllwild Garage, spikes the ball against Silver Pines Lodge in Thursday’s Championship match. Photos by Jenny Kirchner
Idyllwild Garage players watch another return go out of bounds during Thursday’s victory in the Championship match against Silver Pines Lodge. Idyllwild Garage won the match in four games.
Idyllwild Garage wins its third consecutive Town Hall Adult Co-Ed Volleyball Championship. The Garage defeated regular season champs, Silver Pines Lodge who were undefeated. From left (standing), Idyllwild Garage owners, Steve and Tamara Friemoth, Freddie Espinoza, Corey Sumrall, Kyle Owen, Greg Breyer and Art Torrez. From left (kneeling), Janey Espinoza, Maria Loutzenhiser, Sage Torrez and Kristen Torrez.
Julie Fogle of undefeated Silver Pines Lodge makes sure Chris Fogle does not miss the set during the Championship match against Idyllwild Garage.