Kindergarten registration begins at Idyllwild School

The Pine Cove Water District (PCWD) has solid infrastructure, according to General Manager Jerry Holldber. Unlike some major Midwestern and Eastern cities that are struggling to refurbish or replace dated equipment and lack the funds to do so, PCWD carries out regular maintenance every year and infrastructure replacement when needed. The district continues to proceed…
Editor’s note: Hemet Unified School District issued this statement to parents and guardians of students Friday, May 27. HUSD then gave a list of online resources to help parents/guardians talk to children about violence that are not printed here. Hemet Unified School District is deeply saddened by the tragedy that took place at Robb Elementary…
In December 2017, the unexpected electrical power outage throughout the Hill during the extreme wind storm may have been a necessary safety step; but the California Public Utilities Commission is taking a more active role in future “de-energizing” incidents. While many Northern California residents wish Pacific Gas and Electric would have been more proactive de-energizing…
Country star and Nashville recording artist Duke Michaels entertains the crowd at Jo’An’s Friday night. Michaels also will perform Saturday, Oct. 19 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. on the outside stage. Photo by Jay Pentrack
The County Service Area 38 (Pine Cove) Advisory Committee discussed the need and level for a new parcel fee last week. The current fee of $ 60.90 was initially approved in an August 2004 vote as $50 with an escalation formula. The assessment helped defray the cost of emergency ambulance service, which the Idyllwild Fire…
A torrential rainstorm passed over the Hill Thursday, July 30. The U.S. Forest Service’s Keenwild Ranger Station recorded 1.13 inches of rain between 1:30 and about 6 p.m. This is 50 percent more than the long-term average of 0.7 inches of rain during the entire month of July. The Town Crier, a CoCoRaHS moisture collector,…