ICC Update: Monthly progress report
Step by step … a monthly update of the activities of the San Jacinto Mountain Community Center Board and its committees.
Program and Activities Committee:
8th Annual Skate Park Games, Saturday, July 13, 2013, 2-6 pm.
Professional demos, three age divisions, Skateboard Street, Skateboard 1/2 Pipe, BMX, fun for the whole family. Food, raffles and giveaways. Don’t forget your helmets, and elbow and knee pads.
Building Campaign Committee:
$25,000+ in pledges and donations were raised at the kick-off campaign called “I’m Helping …” build the Idyllwild Community Center, during the playground birthday party. We’re on our way to raising $1,000,000 for phase one. We need your help. Contact us at [email protected] for a tour of the site. Get involved in the next community build. Donate today.
Trish Tuley and Veda Roubideaux join the BCC. Welcome to two long-time residents who have a prominent history of supporting all that is good about Idyllwild.
SJMCC Board:
Finishing touches for the amphitheater plans are being provided by renowned Idyllwild musician Barnaby Finch in concert with an experienced theater architect to ensure that the amphitheater delivers maximum benefit for both performers and their audiences for music and theater productions. The orientation of the stage has been modified to preserve stately, old-growth pine trees that will circle the stage in a natural arc.
With the Butterfields’ decision to donate another 9,000 square feet of land abutting the Verizon property, local building designer Robert Priefer and architect Jim Marsh are finalizing the access, parking and natural park setting along Strawberry Creek from Village Center Drive to the amphitheater and upper Ridgeview entrance.
The positions of the gym and pool have been reversed so there will be an impressive lobby entrance. In their new locations, the terraces overlooking the amphitheater will have a more majestic view of the natural forest landscape.
Local surveyor Lee Arnson is completing new easements and property changes to integrate the Ridgeview and Village Center Drive accesses and parking. The board is grateful for the in-kind contributions of Arnson, Priefer and Finch.
Guided tours of the site may be arranged for your organization or group. Just email [email protected].