Vacation Volcano

Marcia Krull and her Town Crier visit Pico do Fogo, an active volcano on the Cape Verde island of Fogo, located 350 miles off the coast of Western Africa.  Rising 9,281 feet above sea level, the volcano’s last major eruption was in 1995. Krull was on her way to witness her third total solar eclipse, viewed on Nov. 3 from a small ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
At right, Marcia Krull and her Town Crier visit Pico do Fogo, an active volcano on the Cape Verde island of Fogo, located 350 miles off the coast of Western Africa. Rising 9,281 feet above sea level, the volcano’s last major eruption was in 1995. Krull was on her way to witness her third total solar eclipse, viewed on Nov. 3 from a small ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

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