Santa’s Mailbox

Santa’s helpers (from left) Sherry Kaufman, Kelsi Lehman and Christina Edwards help Kaysa Garcia-Lande (front) send her letter to Santa. Santa’s box will be at the Post Office until noon Monday, Dec. 16. The Town Crier, with Santa’s permission, will print some of the letters Santa receives from Idyllwild girls and boys in the Dec. 19 issue. Photo by Jay Pentrack
Santa’s helpers (from left) Sherry Kaufman, Kelsi Lehman and Christina Edwards help Kaysa Garcia-Lande (front) send her letter to Santa. Santa’s box will be at the Post Office until noon Monday, Dec. 16. The Town Crier, with Santa’s permission, will print some of the letters Santa receives from Idyllwild girls and boys in the Dec. 19 issue.
Photo by Jay Pentrack

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