One would think that, after at least a decade of leading a horse to drink at a more-cohesive San Jacinto Mountain Water Agency trough, some collective reason would have set in. Looks like the Kool Aid in the Pine Cove wells is better than the sugar around the SJMWA table, even though this time its formerly exclusive Fern Valley Water District reached out to convene the team.
In case Pine Cove Water District management missed it, perhaps the new board up there in the rarefied air can provide some real-life oxygen. In our au$tere era, grant$ are going to collaboration$, $tupid, and outlier$ are being left, er, both high and dry. Still seems like a good idea to work together to improve service and cut expenses. Maybe Idyllwild’s sewer system will be able to digest the historically poor thinking that believes running three local water districts in a town of less than 4,000 people is good business.
On the other hand, that very same thinking at the federal level might have saved us from Obamacare.
Bill Protzmann
San Diego