Early results as of 11 p.m.

Updated 11:15 p.m.
About another 21,000 votes have been counted in the past hour. At this point, 141,466 votes have been counted, from about two-thirds of the County’s precincts. This represents about 15.9 percent of registered voters, but half the estimated ballots, according to the Registrar of Voter’s website.

Statewide about 40 percent of all precincts have reported votes.

The relative standings have not changed. In the District Attorney race, Mike Hestrin continues to lead incumbent Paul Zellerbach. The lead has increased to about 10,600 votes.

In the St. Senate District 28 race, 3rd District Supervisor Jeff Stone and Democrat Phil Drucker are the top two, but Drucker is only 380 votes ahead of Republican Glenn Miller and Bonnie Garcia trails Miller by only 221 votes.

Sheriff Stan Sniff maintains a comfortable 33,000 vote lead over challenger Chad Bianco with only a third of the precincts unreported.

It seems as though Assemblyman Brian Nestande will face incumbent U.S. Representative Dr. Raul Ruiz in the November General Election.

Again both propositions are winning.

While Gov. Jerry Brown is the leading gubernatorial candidate, Republican Neel Kashkari is second with an 80,000 vote lead over fellow Republican Tim Donnelly.

Updated at 10:30 p.m.
In the past hour, the Register of Voters has added an additional 5,632 votes. The next release is supposed to be about 11 p.m. While this represents about 13.6 percent of registered voters, the Registrar is estimating that these 120,696 votes will be about 45 percent of ballots cast.

The additional votes have not changed the status of the pending results in any significant way. It is still the top two in the St. Senate District 28 race are still Stone and Democrat Phil Drucker.

In the County District Attorney race, challenger Mike Hestrin still holds a 9,000 vote lead.

In the County supervisor races, all the incumbents — John Tavaglione (2nd District), John Benoit (4th District) and Marion Ashley (5th District) have substantial leads over their challengers.

Statewide about 25 percent of all precincts have reported and both ballot measures are being approved.

Original post
An hour after the California polls have closed, the Riverside County Registrar of Voters has released the results of the early vote-by-mail ballots.

The 115,000 votes represents about 143 percent of registered voters. Statewide as of 9:45 p.m., about 15 percent of the registered voters’ ballots have been counted.

In Riverside County’s races, Mike Hestrin has an early lead of about 8.700 voters over incumbent District Attorney Paul Zellerbach.

In the other contested countywide races, Sheriff Stan Sniff has garnered about two-thirds of the counted vote so far. And County Superintendent of Schools Ken Young has a similar lead over his opponent Michael Scott.

In uncontested county races, Peter Aldana will be the next Assessor, county Clerk, Don Kent will return as Treasurer and Tax Collector and Paul Angulo will continue as Auditor/Controller.

In the St. Senate District 28 race, the first results have 3rd District Supervisor Jeff Stone in the lead with 22 percent of the vote. The next three candidates are very close, Democrat Phil Drucker is second with 19.7 percent and following him are Republicans Glenn Miller with 19.1 percent and Bonnie Garcia with 18.3 percent.

In the Congressional District 36 race, incumbent U.S. Representative Dr. Raul Ruiz has 50 percent of the vote and St. Asssemblyman Brian Nestande is second with 33.9 percent. Ray Haynes trails with 15.8 percent. The top two will face each other on the November General Election ballot.

The two propositions — 41 for a bond for veterans’ housing and 42 public records costs — are passing with more than 60 percent of the vote in Riverside County and Statewide.

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