65 years ago - 1949
Reginald Pole, distinguished Shakespearean actor, was in Idyllwild for the summer. He was developing a cultural lecture series on the Hill.
60 years ago - 1954
A burn-the-mortgage campaign was underway to wipe out the remaining $1,500 indebtedness on Town Hall.
55 years ago - 1959
Ansel Adams, renowned photographer, was back at ISOMATA to head the staff of the photography workshop.
50 years ago - 1964
Ceremonies and an open house were held for the opening of Idyllwild’s first bank, a branch of Security First National Bank.
45 years ago - 1969
Dr. Timothy Leary was free on bail in connection with a drowning on Fobes Ranch in Garner Valley. An autopsy had revealed LSD in the 17-year-old victim’s body, but Leary denied giving the drug to the girl.
40 years ago - 1974
A Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit practice exercise on Suicide Rock turned into the real thing when a 20-year-old hiker fell 100 feet down the sheer face of the rock. All 16 RMRU members on the training mission helped with the rescue.
35 years ago - 1979
Riverside County Road Department crews were doing extensive repair and maintenance work on Fern Valley and Idyllwild streets.
30 years ago - 1984
A meeting at Town Hall was called by Supervisor Kay Ceniceros to discuss the formation of a local advisory council and plans for the almost-full dump.
25 years ago - 1989
The 50th class of Junior ROTC women graduated from the Idyllwild Institute-Fiesta’s leadership program.
20 years ago - 1994
Alandale Property Owners Association sent a survey to owners of Alandale properties asking if they’d like to see the name of the community changed.
15 years ago - 1999
Idyllwild Water District reported that the 1998-99 weather year had the third-lowest rainfall since 1929.
10 years ago - 2004
In the aftermath of containing the Verbenia Fire came the discovery and eradication of a huge mari-
juana grove in the Black Mountain area. More than 25,000 plants were destroyed by Forest Service and Riverside County Sheriff’s Department personnel.
5 years ago - 2009
Austin, Texas based Guaranty Financial Group, parent company of Idyllwild’s local Guaranty Bank branch, said that it was likely to fail. GFG confirmed that it was in talks with potential buyers and at least one investor group for a possible recapitalization.
1 year ago - 2013
The Mountain Fire posed hardships on people who did not have gas money to evacuate and people who lost wages due to the evacuation. The HELP Center was challenged in giving enough aide to these people.