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News of Record: Feb. 13, 2014
Fire log The Idyllwild Fire Station responded to the following calls, Thursday, Feb. 6 to Monday, Feb. 10: Feb. 6 — Medical aid, Idyllwild. Feb. 6 — Rescue, Idyllwild. Feb. 7 — Carbon dioxide detector activation due to malfunction, Idyllwild. Feb. 7 — Two medical aids, Idyllwild. Feb. 8 — Two medical aids, Idyllwild. Feb….
News of Record – 10.31.13
Fire log Hill fire stations responded to the following calls, Tuesday, Oct. 22, to Monday, Oct. 29: Idyllwild Fire Department and Ambulance Oct. 22 — Four medical aids, Idyllwild. Oct. 23 — Medical aid, Idyllwild. Oct. 23 — Medical aid, Anza. Oct. 24 — Traffic collision with injuries, Idyllwild. Oct. 24 — Three…
Homes lost in Pinyon-area fire
More recent update at bottom of the story: At about 11:15 a.m. Sunday, June 13, a wildfire was reported in the Pinyon area. Quickly, fire personnel, planes carrying retardant and helicopters hauling water in buckets descended on the area. The Flats Fire was burning in the Santa Rosa Mountains off Highway 74 near Pinyon Crest,…
Mosquito vector ballot questions
Q&A provided by Riverside County Department of Environmental Health: Q. What is the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health Mosquito, Vector and Disease Control Assessment? A. The Mosquito, Vector and Disease Control Assessment is a mailed ballot measure for property owners that, if approved, will provide continued, comprehensive mosquito, rat and other vector surveillance and control,…
TC Membership list still growing
By Becky and Jack Clark Co-publishers With 16 business members, seven nonprofit members and two public-agency members, along with 411 personal memberships, the Town Crier Charter Membership list continues to grow. We are now at about 80 percent of the minimum amount we estimated last August we would need in the first year to enable…
Dog park will once again have water
After a break in a water line several weeks ago, Idyllwild Pines administration shut off water to the Idyllwild Dog Park, situated on the Idyllwild Pines campus. “I feel bad the water has been off for two weeks,’ said Kelly Schlenz, camp operations director. “Unfortunately where the line broke makes it a difficult repair. We…