Career week at Town Hall

Photo by J.P. Crumrine
Editor’s note: The reporter in this article had $49,000 of tree-removal costs during the 2003 bark beetle infestation. Fortunately, Southern California Edison paid for all but $10,000 of the removal costs, since the very large pines threatened power lines. The Goldspotted oak borer, recently identified in Idyllwild, could cause similar if not greater tree loss…
While the speed limit on North Circle Drive has been 25 mph for years, enforcement now will be stronger. The Riverside County Department of Transportation (DOT) proposed to set radar enforceable speed limits on 13 county roadways, of which N. Circle Dr. is one. The range of speed limits is 25 to 60 mph on…
Edwin Hansen (left), the new president of Friends of the Idyllwild Library, sits next to Adele Voell, his predecessor as president.
Since the beginning of February, Dwight McKinney, 53, of Mountain Center has been arrested four times. Each arrest was based on drug-related charges, both misdemeanors and felonies. On Tuesday, April 4, he pleaded guilty to three separate charges. Two were misdemeanors and the sentence was equal to the time he has already served in jail….
The Hemet Unified School District board meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 4, at Idyllwild School, will include a public hearing. The subject will be whether each pupil in the district has been provided with a standards-aligned textbook or basic instructional material. These should be available to any student while in the classroom or to take home to complete their homework
On occasion, the Town Crier must challenge authority — sometimes those who run our local public agencies for us. Some of these folk are administrators and some are board members you elected.But please remember: They do not own the public agencies they operate — you do. They work for you. You need to be able…