Readers Write: Demand border control …


Who wouldn’t want a better life for themselves and their loved ones, a life without having to look over your shoulders and being afraid?

America has always welcomed people from all over the world but there is a limit of capacity. How many should we or can we absorb?

It took me more than two years to obtain my visa to immigrate, especially since I came from East Germany.

I fully understood that authorities had to look into my background. America, at that time, made sure that I was able to contribute and not be a burden.

Now it is the opposite. The borders are wide open. Anybody, good or bad, overruns our country. What are we, Santa Claus for the world?

My heart goes out to them, but the law is the law and must be obeyed.

We are all aware of the debts America is in, the government spending out of control, the help we give to peole who cannot or will not work. Illegal aliens, when sick, go to emergency and don’t have to pay. We, the citizens, pay high sums for everything connected with health.

The law worked before, we must make it work again. We must speak up and deman border enforcement. Remember, united we stand and good is never lost.

Gisela M. Stearns

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